Lintle egg chibi v1

Traditionally, all Pokémon eggs have looked the same (except for Manaphy's egg). It is possible, albeit undecided yet, that Pokémon Sage will have different appearances for each Pokémon egg. This page displays them all.

Feel free to create egg graphics yourself and add them to this page. We need both egg sprites (seen in the summary screens) and egg icons (seen in the party screen/PC storage).

Egg graphics

Pokémon Egg sprite Egg icon Egg icon sprite
N/A ( Template) Egg00 EGGICON000 EIS000
Foliat Foliat EGG001 EGGICON001 EIS001
Kidling Kidling EGG004 EGGICON002 EIS002
Aguade Aguade EGG007 EGGICON003 EIS003
Harpee Harpee EGG010 EGGICONharpee EISharpee
Capig Capig EGG013 EGGICON004 EIS005
Cubzero Cubzero EGG015 EGGICON006 EIS006
Fawning Fawning EGG017 EGGICON007 EIS007
Pengliff Pengliff EGG020 EGGICONpengliff EISpengliff
Bluffin Bluffin EGG022 EGGICONbluffin EISbluffin
Koblin Koblin EGG024 EGGICON010 EIS010
Pebblosa Pebblosa ROCKEGGALT EGGICONpebbl EISpebbl
Cowatti Cowatti EGG030 EGGICON012 EIS012
Snome Snome EGG031 EGGICON013 EIS013
Taomarin Taomarin EGG033 EGGICON014 EIS014
Larvabidae Larvabidae EGG035 EGGICON015 EIS015
Musburry Musburry EGG039 EGGICON016 EIS016
Berratel Berratel EGG041b EGGICONberratel EISberratel
Growmeo Growmeo EGG042 EGGICONgrowmeo EISgrowmeo
Tuliep Tuliep EGG044 EGGICONtuliep EIStuliep
Dreamdery Dreamdery EGG046 EGGICONdreamdery EISdreamdery
Macabra Macabra EGG047b EGGICONmacabra EISmacabra
Kertruffle Kertruffle EGG048 EGGICON022 EIS022
Rocano Rocano EGG052 EGGICONrocano EISrocano
Pounther Pounther EGG055 EGGICONpounther EISpounther
Neureka Neureka EGG057 EGGICONneureka EISneureka
Peppit Peppit EGG059 EGGICONpeppit EISpeppit
Pawter Pawter EGG062 EGGICONpawter EISpawter
Skullarva Skullarva EGG064 EGGICONskullarva EISskullarva
Vectol Vectol EGG067 EGGICONvectol EISvectol
Bouwee Bouwee EGG069 EGGICONbouwee EISbouwee
Totter Totter EGG071 EGGICONtotter EIStotter
Alpint Alpint EGG074b

Alpint egg 2

EGGICONalpintEGGICONalpint2 Alpint egg iconsAlpint egg icons 2
Platypow Platypow EGG076 EGGICONplaty Platy egg icons
Cuppy Cuppy EGG078 EGGICONcuppy Cuppy egg icons
Shibalbat Shibalbat EGG080 EGGICONShibalbat Shibalbat egg icons
Nobunata Nobunata EGG081 EGGICONnobunata Nobunata egg icons
Psybex Psybex EGG082 EGGICONpsybex Psybex egg icons
Flowger Flowger EGG084 FLOWGERALTEGG EGGICONflowgerEGGICONflowger2 Flowger egg iconsFlowger egg icons 2
Burrowl Burrowl EGG086
Magowl Magowl EGG087
Craliber Craliber EGG088
Leafish Leafish EGG090
Quibble Quibble EGG092
Sedirrot Sedirrot EGG095
Cardinite Cardinite EGG097b
Skurrow Skurrow EGG099
Somberado Somberado EGG100
Phlask Phlask EGG101 ICONphlask Shitty phlask egg sprite templates
Atomite Atomite EGG104 ICONatomite Atomite egg sprite templates
Squink Squink EGG106b
Boarealis Boarealis EGG108
Chelonite Chelonite EGG109
Magnitogre Magnitogre EGG111
Minarac Minarac EGG112
Pottle Pottle EGG114b
Pueblant Pueblant EGG117
Cobrasket Cobrasket EGG119
Cairup Cairup EGG121
Necronite Necronite EGG123
Diloweed Diloweed Dildoegg
Ignishell Ignishell EGG127
Desoula Desoula EGG130b
Dinkywink Dinkywink EGG133b
Calphite Calphite EGG135b
Solacari Solacari EGG137
Nurshary Nurshary EGG138
Loneleaf Loneleaf EGG139
Coltergeist Coltergeist EGG141
Chihaha Chihaha EGG143
Chegrin Chegrin EGG145
Doppole Doppole EGG147b ICONdoppole Doppole sprite templates
Thoraxe Thoraxe EGG149
Pomparunt Pomparunt EGG150
Erycoon Erycoon EGG153
Leukoon Leukoon EGG154
Toxito Toxito EGG155
Orett Orett EGG157
Viipii Viipii EGG160
Chilloth Chilloth EGG161
Chayan Chayan EGG163
Fortifry Fortifry EGG166
Smashiary Smashiary EGG168
Slatic Slatic EGG169
Glauqua Glauqua EGG172b
Lintle Lintle EGG174 ICONlintle Lintle egg chibi v1
Parapy Parapy EGG177
Chimpoca Chimpoca EGG179b
Enigmite Enigmite EGG182
Arjibi Arjibi EGG184
Barracute Barracute EGG186
Drosire Drosire EGG188
Wispern Wispern EGG190
Glocto Glocto EGG192
Gilla Gilla EGG194
Bazilisk Bazilisk EGG197
Baboom Baboom EGG200
Icetope Icetope EGG201 ICONicetope Icetope egg sprite templates
Wendingo Wendingo EGG203
Luchito Luchito EGG205
Grolem Grolem EGG207
Larvyn Larvyn EGG209
Carbite Carbite EGG212b
Quecko Quecko EGG215
Crakling Crakling EGG217
Draggar Draggar EGG219
Eronze Eronze No egg
Erion Erion No egg
Erace Erace No egg
Patama Patama No egg
Machima Machima No egg
Yacuma Yacuma No egg
Quetzar Quetzar No egg
Xochi Xochi No egg
Xotec Xotec No egg


Full egg icon sprites. Some might need to be updated.


by attributes abilityegg grouptype
body stylecryspeciescolorfootprintheightweight
by evolution evolution family
no evolution familytwo-stage familythree-stage familybranched
by in-game stats base stats (by typefully evolved) • catch rateExp/EVs given in battle
gender ratiosteps to hatchwild held itembase friendship
by category starterlegendary (GolemsSpiritsIdolsQuetzar) • fossilform differences
by development Pokémon needing: Pokédex entriescriestutor movesbreeding moveswith locked stats
new movesnew abilitiessignature movessignature abilitiesproposed Hidden Abilities
spritesshiny dumpanimated spritesoverworldsegg spritesSprite Graveyard