
Sugi artwork for all Pokémon.

This is a list of all Pokémon in Pokémon Sage, ordered by Pokédex number.

List of Pokémon

Dex No. Pokémon Type
#001 Foliat Foliat Grass Grass
#002 Florabri Florabri Grass Flying
#003 Floressum Floressum Grass Flying
#004 Kidling Kidling Fire Fire
#005 Pyroat Pyroat Fire Rock
#006 Flairees Flairees Fire Rock
#007 Aguade Aguade Water Water
#008 Iguadium Iguadium Water Fighting
#009 Aguanaut Aguanaut Water Fighting
#010 Harpee Harpee Normal Flying
#011 Aquilor Aquilor Normal Flying
#012 Warquila Warquila Normal Flying
#013 Capig Capig Normal Normal
#014 Capabara Capabara Normal Normal
#015 Cubzero Cubzero Ice Ice
#016 Avalynx Avalynx Ice Ice
#017 Fawning Fawning Normal Normal
#018 Llamarsh Llamarsh Normal Normal
#019 Buckston Buckston Normal Normal
#020 Pengliff Pengliff Ice Ice
#021 Penglacier Penglacier Ice Rock
#022 Bluffin Bluffin Ice Ice
#023 Burrmudail Burrmudail Ice Flying
#024 Koblin Koblin Dark Dark
#025 Koberus Koberus Dark Fire
#026 Kobalt Kobalt Dark Steel
#027 Pebblosa Pebblosa Normal Normal
#028 Terratetra Terratetra Normal Rock
#029 Gigaard Gigaard Normal Rock
#030 Cowatti Cowatti Electric Electric
#031 Snome Snome Ice Ice
#032 Snogre Snogre Ice Ice
#033 Taomarin Taomarin Normal Normal
#034 Orangutao Orangutao Normal Normal
#035 Larvabidae Larvabidae Bug Bug
#036 Caranox Caranox Bug Poison
#037 Carajoule Carajoule Bug Electric
#038 Caracrust Caracrust Bug Ground
#039 Musburry Musburry Normal Grass
#040 Musbushel Musbushel Normal Grass
#041 Berratel Berratel Dark Dark
#042 Growmeo Growmeo Grass Grass
#043 Montegrew Montegrew Grass Grass
#044 Tuliep Tuliep Grass Grass
#045 Capulilly Capulilly Grass Grass
#046 Dreamdery Dreamdery Psychic Psychic
#047 Macabra Macabra Dark Dark
#048 Kertruffle Kertruffle Poison Poison
#049 Mosshroom Mosshroom Poison Grass
#050 Lumishroom Lumishroom Poison Electric
#051 Perishroom Perishroom Poison Ghost
#052 Rocano Rocano Fire Rock
#053 Volcaroc Volcaroc Fire Rock
#054 Volcoalder Volcoalder Fire Rock
#055 Pounther Pounther Normal Normal
#056 Jaguile Jaguile Normal Normal
#057 Neureka Neureka Psychic Electric
#058 Cerebrulb Cerebrulb Psychic Electric
#059 Peppit Peppit Grass Fire
#060 Hoppanero Hoppanero Grass Fire
#061 Scovalope Scovalope Grass Fire
#062 Pawter Pawter Water Water
#063 Hurricanine Hurricanine Water Electric
#064 Skullarva Skullarva Bug Bug
#065 Maskoon Maskoon Bug Bug
#066 Mortasque Mortasque Bug Flying
#067 Vectol Vectol Poison Poison
#068 Vectol Vectol.2 Poison Poison
#069 Bouwee Bouwee Bug Water
#070 Scubug Scubug Bug Water
#071 Totter Totter Water Water
#072 Cascotta Cascotta Water Water
#073 Lutrajet Lutrajet Water Water
#074 Alpint Alpint Grass Grass
#075 Forusk Forusk Grass Grass
#076 Platypow Platypow Fighting Poison
#077 Platikhao Platikhao Fighting Poison
#078 Cuppy Cuppy Water Water
#079 Fettlekish Fettlekish Water Fire
#080 Shibalbat Shibalbat Rock Fire
#081 Nobunata Nobunata Normal Normal
#082 Psybex Psybex Psychic Psychic
#083 Gnuru Gnuru Psychic Psychic
#084 Flowger Flowger Grass Water
#085 Bullotus Bullotus Grass Water
#086 Burrowl Burrowl Ground Ground
#087 Magowl Magowl Psychic Psychic
#088 Craliber Craliber Water Steel
#089 Crawglock Crawglock Water Steel
#090 Leafish Leafish Water Grass
#091 Chlorofin Chlorofin Water Grass
#092 Quibble Quibble Normal Flying
#093 Fowattle Fowattle Ground Flying
#094 Turkistador Turkistador Ground Flying
#095 Sedirrot Sedirrot Rock Flying
#096 Condesa Condesa Rock Flying
#097 Cardinite Cardinite Fire Flying
#098 Chardinal Chardinal Fire Flying
#099 Skurrow Skurrow Ground Ground
#100 Somberado Somberado Dark Ghost
#101 Phlask Phlask Poison Ghost
#102 Noxial Noxial Poison Ghost
#103 Fumighast Fumighast Poison Ghost
#104 Atomite Atomite Normal Electric
#105 Orbatom Orbatom Normal Electric
#106 Squink Squink Poison Poison
#107 Squidrift Squidrift Poison Flying
#108 Boarealis Boarealis Dark Psychic
#109 Chelonite Chelonite Psychic Rock
#110 Galaxagos Galaxagos Psychic Rock
#111 Magnitogre Magnitogre Steel Steel
#112 Minarac Minarac Bug Ground
#113 Trenchula Trenchula Bug Ground
#114 Pottle Pottle Ground Grass
#115 Trikotta Trikotta Ground Grass
#116 Terrorcotta Terrorcotta Ground Grass
#117 Pueblant Pueblant Bug Rock
#118 Cahokisect Cahokisect Bug Rock
#119 Cobrasket Cobrasket Ground Poison
#120 Charmbra Charmbra Ground Poison
#121 Cairup Cairup Ground Ground
#122 Kairoglyph Kairoglyph Ground Psychic
#123 Necronite Necronite Rock Psychic
#124 Gravollum Gravollum Rock Psychic
#125 Diloweed Diloweed Grass Rock
#126 Pangolash Pangolash Grass Steel
#127 Ignishell Ignishell Fire Fire
#128 Shelosene Shelosene Fire Steel
#129 Flarrapin Flarrapin Fire Steel
#130 Desoula Desoula Ghost Flying
#131 Necrow Necrow Ghost Flying
#132 Vultergyst Vultergyst Ghost Flying
#133 Dinkywink Dinkywink Water Rock
#134 Dunkywunkr Dunkywunkr Water Rock
#135 Calphite Calphite Rock Ground
#136 Indrolith Indrolith Rock Ground
#137 Solacari Solacari Normal Flying
#138 Nurshary Nurshary Water Water
#139 Loneleaf Loneleaf Ghost Grass
#140 Forthorn Forthorn Ghost Grass
#141 Coltergeist Coltergeist Ghost Ghost
#142 Fantasmare Fantasmare Ghost Ghost
#143 Chihaha Chihaha Dark Normal
#144 Howlequin Howlequin Dark Normal
#145 Chegrin Chegrin Dark Psychic
#146 Cheshade Cheshade Dark Psychic
#147 Doppole Doppole Normal Normal
#148 Artifish Artifish Normal Normal
#149 Thoraxe Thoraxe Bug Bug
#150 Pomparunt Pomparunt Dark Dark
#151 Pompagoon Pompagoon Dark Fighting
#152 Hyekuza Hyekuza Dark Fighting
#153 Erycoon Erycoon Normal Normal
#154 Leukoon Leukoon Normal Ghost
#155 Toxito Toxito Bug Poison
#156 Sanguito Sanguito Bug Poison
#157 Orett Orett Steel Steel
#158 Anvelid Anvelid Steel Steel
#159 Magroplex Magroplex Steel Steel
#160 Viipii Viipii Normal Normal
#161 Chilloth Chilloth Water Water
#162 Soakoth Soakoth Water Water
#163 Chayan Chayan Fighting Fighting
#164 Macuarrior Macuarrior Fighting Fighting
#165 Ocerumi Ocerumi Fighting Fighting
#166 Fortifry Fortifry Water Water
#167 Oarwish Oarwish Water Psychic
#168 Smashiary Smashiary Fighting Flying
#169 Slatic Slatic Electric Electric
#170 Telsion Telsion Electric Electric
#171 Chameleohm Chameleohm Electric Electric
#172 Glauqua Glauqua Water Poison
#173 Hydranticus Hydranticus Water Poison
#174 Lintle Lintle Bug Bug
#175 Silkinder Silkinder Bug Bug
#176 Paramoth Paramoth Bug Bug
#177 Parapy Parapy Bug Water
#178 Mawasite Mawasite Bug Water
#179 Chimpoca Chimpoca Fighting Fighting
#180 Simayan Simayan Fighting Fighting
#181 Monkezuma Monkezuma Fighting Fighting
#182 Enigmite Enigmite Bug Bug
#183 Enigmantis Enigmantis Bug Psychic
#184 Arjibi Arjibi Normal Normal
#185 Royjibiv Royjibiv Normal Dragon
#186 Barracute Barracute Water Water
#187 Jawgodon Jawgodon Water Water
#188 Drosire Drosire Grass Grass
#189 Sunduke Sunduke Grass Grass
#190 Wispern Wispern Ghost Fire
#191 Phantern Phantern Ghost Fire
#192 Glocto Glocto Water Fire
#193 Lavoon Lavoon Water Fire
#194 Gilla Gilla Poison Poison
#195 Hornizard Hornizard Poison Poison
#196 Ankillosore Ankillosore Poison Ground
#197 Bazilisk Bazilisk Grass Grass
#198 Ornitherb Ornitherb Grass Grass
#199 Dilophlora Dilophlora Grass Dark
#200 Baboom Baboom Electric Dark
#201 Icetope Icetope Ice Poison
#202 Chillnobyl Chillnobyl Ice Poison
#203 Wendingo Wendingo Ice Ice
#204 Carnibal Carnibal Ice Dark
#205 Luchito Luchito Fighting Electric
#206 Eluchadon Eluchadon Fighting Electric
#207 Grolem Grolem Rock Grass
#208 Comossus Comossus Rock Grass
#209 Larvyn Larvyn Bug Bug
#210 Dracoon Dracoon Bug Bug
#211 Basilect Basilect Bug Dragon
#212 Carbite Carbite Dragon Dragon
#213 Pressaur Pressaur Dragon Rock
#214 Diamat Diamat Dragon Rock
#215 Quecko Quecko Grass Grass
#216 Tozecko Tozecko Grass Dragon
#217 Crakling Crakling Fire Fire
#218 Fuelong Fuelong Fire Dragon
#219 Draggar Draggar Water Water
#220 Ragnarow Ragnarow Water Dragon
#221 Eronze Eronze Steel Fire
#222 Erion Erion Steel Poison
#223 Erace Erace Steel Electric
#224 Patama Patama Grass Ghost
#225 Machima Machima Flying Ghost
#226 Yacuma Yacuma Water Ghost
#227 Quetzar Quetzar (Statue Forme) Dragon Rock
#227 Quetzar Quetzar (Space Forme) Dragon Psychic
#228 Xochi Xochi Psychic Fire
#229 Xotec Xotec Psychic Steel


  • 15.7% of all Pokémon species (36 out of 229) have names beginning with the letter C.

Lists of Pokémon
by attributes abilityegg grouptype
body stylecryspeciescolorfootprintheightweight
by evolution evolution family
no evolution familytwo-stage familythree-stage familybranched
by in-game stats base stats (by typefully evolved) • catch rateExp/EVs given in battle
gender ratiosteps to hatchwild held itembase friendship
by category starterlegendary (GolemsSpiritsIdolsQuetzar) • fossilform differences
by development Pokémon needing: Pokédex entriescriestutor movesbreeding moveswith locked stats
new movesnew abilitiessignature movessignature abilitiesproposed Hidden Abilities
spritesshiny dumpanimated spritesoverworldsegg spritesSprite Graveyard